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We are very excited to announce that Vet4life Surbiton has been silver accredited in the ISFM cat friendly clinic scheme! Register your cat with us today.

This is a worldwide programme run by the International Society of Feline Medicine to promote cat friendly veterinary practices. This means that we are dedicated to ensuring your cat's visit to the vet is as stress free as possible and follow the gold standard guidelines set by the ISFM. We understand the needs of cats and have taken steps to ensure vet visits are calm and relaxed. This starts in our waiting room where we have separate cat and dog areas and a cat only consult room.

All our staff follow the ISFM feline friendly handling guidelines, which means we will always handle and treat cats with understanding, gentleness and respect.

emily-ryder-and-cat-in-consultationWe have a full range of up to date equipment, allowing us to treat and manage cats in the clinic and have a separate quiet cat ward, ensuring that cats remain as calm and comfortable as possible whilst staying with us.

cat-relaxing-in-hospitalAll our staff undergo continuing professional development, to keep up to date with developments in feline medicine and surgery and we even have a 'cat advocate' who is on hand to answer any cat related questions you might have.

For more information about the scheme, please speak to a member of our team, or visit the ISFM website. If you would like to register your cat at our clinic, just fill out the simple online form - we look forward to meeting you and your furry friend!