As the cold and flu season approaches, pet owners often wonder if their pets can catch these illnesses too. The answer is yes - pets can indeed catch colds and flu, though the viruses that affect them are typically different from those that infect humans.
General Pet Advice
Finding a lump doesn't necessarily signify a severe health issue, and even if it turns out to be a type of cancer, several treatment approaches could be available. At Vet4life we delve into how we can identify the nature of this lump and explore the potential treatment routes.
Have you been noticing an increased water intake by your dog or cat recently in Greater London? There might be instances where you find yourself refilling their water bowl more often than usual.
How you can support your pets mental health
During this period of uncertainty and with many of us self-isolating and in lock-down, some of our clients have been asking questions about COVID-19 in relation to their pet and also how to manage their mental and physical wellbeing. We have pulled together this guide which we hope you’ll find useful.