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Liption's story

Liption is a handsome grey domestic short hair, fluent in both English, Spanish and catitude. He befriends giant dogs (his best friend is Rolo the Labrador) and flirts with the staff at vet4life. He had a dice with death in his younger days leaving himself with a tail pull injury. This meant that for the rest of his life he would struggle to urinate since the nerves to his bladder were damaged. Luckily for him his doting mum Vanessa (a trained human nurse) never gave up on him and with her medical training as an advantage she has kept his bladder going with a combination of medications and manual expression of his bladder.

Unfortunately, Liption's fate took a dangerous twist when he started to suffer from urethral blockage. This meant that he could not urinate and the build up of toxins in his blood stream reached a dangerous level. We managed to unblock him several times, but it continued to happen due to the sludge build up in his bladder. The last time that it happened he was in such pain and distress that he was rushed to the out of hours emergency centre. The next day his mum brought him in to see one of our vets, her twin by name, Vanessa who decided it was time to take definitive action to prevent this from happening again.

He was admitted to hospital and Vanessa and her team performed a perineal urethrostomy. Unfortunately this meant that the handsome man had to lose his penis, but he assured us that he was a strong and confident man that could overcome any obstacle. We opened up his urethra to enlarge the exit from his bladder in order to prevent the blockage occurring again.

This should be the end of the story, but poor Liption always battling against the odds developed some post operative complications. His right leg was swollen (for no other reason than this was Liption and he doesn’t follow any text books) and his bladder went completely on strike. He had to come in every single day for over a week (but I think he enjoyed this) to have his bladder emptied and his wounds and leg checked. He developed a urinary tract infection and had to swallow some pretty undesirable antibiotics everyday.

Finally and just in time for Christmas, we got him all fixed up! His wounds had healed, his infection had gone and his bladder decided to do its job again. He tells us he doesn’t miss his bits and enjoys a wee in his favourite places obstruction free. The only downside is we miss his visits to the clinic!